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Showing posts with label America Will Survive All Three Phases of Treason. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America Will Survive All Three Phases of Treason. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

United, America Will Survive All Three Phases of Treason

The only way to be able to discuss any issues is by having
  as much infos ,data as possible. And also to defend your nation from crooks,traitors or enemies....
Virus-Immune Rioters Latest Coronavirus Con

Virus-Immune Rioters Latest Coronavirus Con

Something the mainstream and social media hope you will never come to realize: Most everyone other than the street protesters remains under coronavirus lockdown.
While the majority of civilized society is held under government-imposed lockdown, meaning with no place to work, no place to worship, no place to go—purportedly for their own safety in a raging pandemic—hundreds of thousands of ‘protesters’—(millions if counted worldwide) are allowed out to protest, pillage and burn cities down.
Let that sink in if only in order to clearly see how a pandemic panic can be used to help take down Western society.
 •  2020-06-15  •  Judi McLeod

Builders and Destroyers: The 2020 Battle for America
Builders and Destroyers: The 2020 Battle for AmericaThere are two kinds of people in this world - builders and destroyers. You know who you are.
Our forefathers were builders who rejected monarchy in favor of limited government and the challenge of self-rule. Our forefathers understood the difference between servitude and citizenship. They chose freedom and built a more perfect union - a government of the people, by the people, for the people. The building of the United States of America was the most successful experiment in individual freedom and prosperity the world has ever known.
 •  2020-06-15  •  Linda Goudsmit
China’s latest disinformation campaign
China’s latest disinformation campaignThis piece of disinformation sounds like it was written by Bert and Ernie of the Muppets: CHINA WARMS TO FOUR MORE YEARS OF TRUMP PRESIDENCY, published by Bloomberg News yesterday. The article claims that numerous high-level “Chinese officials” are thinking that a Biden presidency would be detrimental to Beijing’s interests.
Where to begin?
Why not start with the name, ‘Bloomberg,’ as in Michael, failed Mayor of the Big Apple and failed presidential candidate for the Democrat Party nomination, avowed mortal enemy of Donald Trump and oh, yes, owner of the Bloomberg business empire, publisher of Bloomberg News.
 •  2020-06-15  •  Klaus Rohrich
United, America Will Survive All Three Phases of Treason

United, America Will Survive All Three Phases of Treason
Treason and tyranny are ancient and succeed due to deception and ignorance based upon lies and mental laziness. However, tyranny endures well in a culture of fear due to viable threats, the demonstration of physical force, and outright violence. What Americans and the entire world are seeing in this time is an attempt at overthrowing the United States of America. The worst enemy is the internal enemy because those ones once trusted, are different from who they appeared to be in a different time, or in a different light. America now has to deal with the domestic enemies in our midst whether we want to or not, whether we like it or not.
 •  2020-06-15  •  Dennis Jamison
Pray For Deliverance From The Crushing Evil Darkness Of Our Day
Pray For Deliverance From The Crushing Evil Darkness Of Our DayGreetings to all of you. Unfortunately, this corona virus has made it impossible to generate a newsletter for June 2020. Our only option was to pen a president’s message and an editorial, and to post them on our website and facebook page.
“It is necessary that the good, the children of light, come together and make their voices heard…..Before the power of prayer, the deceptions of the children of darkness will collapse, their plots will be revealed, their betrayal will be shown, their frightening power will end in nothing, brought to light and exposed for what it is: an infernal deception.” (Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano)
 •  2020-06-15  •  Virginia Miller
Don’t ‘Take a Knee’…’Take A Stand’!

Don’t ‘Take a Knee’…’Take A Stand’!

We are in an unbelievable season where our nation’s cities are being attacked and held hostage by shipped-in, paid rioters and protesters. We are under siege with anarchists hiding behind George Floyd, a few bad cops and the endless sea of acting out leftists who hate Trump simply because he breathes air.

 •  2020-06-15  •  Dr. Laurie Roth
Destructive Upside Down Politics 
And How Common Sense Returns
Destructive Upside Down Politics 
And How Common Sense ReturnsThroughout history, prosperity has been built upon individual freedom and limited government. And now, the global economy has suffered the fastest setback – ever – the first caused by monstrous bureaucratic intrusions. The record includes many economic busts, but the only comparable collapse occurred in London in 1665. Shockingly, the important trade center suffered the Bubonic Plague with some 25 percent of the population dying. Naturally, finance and business collapsed, but not by destructive government restrictions. Diarist Samuel Pepys, recorded on October 16, 1665:
“But Lord, how empty the streets are, and melancholy, so many poor sick people in the streets, full of sores and so many sad stories overheard as I walk…And they tell me in Westminster there is never a physician, and but one apothecary left, all being dead – But that there are great hopes of a great decrease this week. God send it.”
 •  2020-06-15  •  Bob Hoye
George Washington’s Prophetic Warnings About Enemies Within

George Washington’s Prophetic  Warnings About Enemies Within

President Trump just delivered the 2020 convocation speech at West Point, congratulating the cadet graduates and reminding the world that the U.S. has rebuilt its military forces with such high-tech capability as to have unchallenged superiority in any theatre. While the President’s speech was entirely appropriate, it is ironic that it comes at a time when it’s wholly apparent to most observers that America’s greatest threat now is not external, but internal. And while the response to the recent urban chaos and violence requires more effective National Guard, police action and law enforcement tactics, strategically what is most important are soft power initiatives that invalidate false narratives and reduce misunderstanding and division in the country, which would in turn diminish issues and opportunities for exploitation by bad actors.

 •  2020-06-15  •  Scott Powell
The Silence of the Shepherds
Collectively, they put up little-to-no resistance to the State-ordered closure of their sanctuaries.
Technically, their congregations or denominations own the space, not them. They are merely the shepherds of those who sit in pews, entrusted with leadership over the lambs, in religious matters.
The urban dictionary defines “folded like a cheap suit” to mean: “To give in on something you felt so strongly about only a moment ago”.
 •  2020-06-15  •  Lee Cary
America Is Gone With The Wind
The United States of America will never be the same, it will be a much worse place to live and work. Amid a three-month pandemic there has been a three-week cultural revolution, ignited by the brutal death of African American George Floyd in Minneapolis, that has changed our country forever.
 •  2020-06-15  •  Jeff Crouere
Kneeling To Tyranny Is A Clear Sign Of A Weak-Kneed Personality
 •  2020-06-15  •  Dag Barkley
Hillary Clinton As Arkansas First Lady Celebrated Confederate Flag Day
 •  2020-06-15  •  Dag Barkley
Video: Scientists Lose Jobs Amid Probe Into Foreign Ties
Scientists Lose Jobs Amid Probe Into Foreign TiesAn ongoing inquiry by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) into grantees’ failures to disclose foreign ties has resulted in the firings and resignations of 54 scientists.
The NIH investigation has investigated 189 scientists for undisclosed foreign ties, with 93 percent of the hidden funding coming from China. Some 77 grantees have been removed from the NIH system as a result of the probe.
 •  2020-06-15  •  Epoch Times
Video: New Video of Seattle Marine Veteran Disarming Rioter Trying to Steal Police Rifle
In late May, when peaceful protests gave way to violent riots and domestic terrorists facing off with police across the country, one hero found himself in the right place at the right time in downtown Seattle. But as RedState’s Nick Arama wrote, it wasn’t just chance that he was able to do what he did: Marines always come through:
 •  2020-06-15  •  News on the Net
Dear Dad, You Were Right!
Dear Dad, You Were Right!
A way back in the year nineteen hundred and seventy, a bunch of us kids threw a rock concert in one of our city’s parks. We were raising money to help us beat the school board into allowing us boys to wear long hair in our high schools. My father, having seen the flyers around town, told me that I was absolutely not to attend the concert.
 •  2020-06-15  •  Dave Merrick
The monuments to the framers of The Southern Manifesto of 1956
As Confederate flags come down, so should the monuments that honor the Democrat politicians who overwhelmingly supported The Southern Manifesto of 1956.
The Southern Manifesto – officially entitled The Decision of the Supreme Court in the School Cases Declaration of Constitutional Principles – was signed by 101 members of the U.S. Congress, including 19 senators and 82 members of the House of Representatives. Ninety-nine of them were Democrats.
 •  2020-06-15  •  Lee Cary

Big Birthday Celebration on Sunday
God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!Fellow Americans:
This Sunday, June 14, is the 638th consecutive Sunday of the Old Veterans Guard’s peaceful and non-violent Mission to “Save Our Veterans Land” and to “Bring Our Homeless Veterans HOME.”
This Sunday we will be proudly celebrating the Birthdays of three American icons:
  • The United States Army, born June 14, 1775
  • American Flag, born June 14, 1777
  • America’s President and Commander-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump, born June 14, 1946