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Saturday, June 13, 2020

NOBAMA'S Cult bullying cleverly disguised!

NOBAMA'S Cult bullying cleverly disguised!

By Robert Laurie
Obama made cult bullying of non cultural marxists ok. It made his supporters feel good!

Cult bullying cleverly disguised!

1) Barack Obama knew that The Little Sisters of the Poor do unstinting charity work amongst the most needy.

Barack Obama knew that, personally.

And regardless, he instructed his administration to rewrite executive regulations nine separate times to ensure these nuns be forced to either violate their conscience by helping distribute abortifacients, or be fined $70 million a year and out of existence.

Their beliefs, their ministry, their cause, and even the incredible work that they do was secondary to President Barack Obama’s devotion to funding and expanding the destruction of infants with tax dollars.

The President’s own lawyers admitted in court that there were compromises available that would have met their objectives while sparing the Sisters’ consciences.

But President Obama refused.

Using the coercive power of the state to compel nuns to pay for abortion drugs became an issue of pride for this small man.

2) "One state college rejected a Christian student, saying the medical “field is not the place for religion.”

3) In another of our cases, a college student was denied admission because he “brought up religion.”
This isn’t just outrageous; it’s blatantly unconstitutional.
Right now we’re in federal court to address this issue. But disturbingly anti-Christian discrimination is growing nationwide.

4) One university student was expelled for her faith, another was told to defile the name of Jesus, and another was failed for refusing to agree that Christianity is false."

5) Democrats bullied States to overthrow traditional marriage laws voted on by electors.
Democrats bullied NUNS to pay for contraception & abortions!
6) Democrats bullied Christians of conscience wanting to opt out of participation in SSM.

7) Democrat academics bullied students with false rape accusations not given due process.

8) Democrats bullied girls & women not wanting to share bathrooms with guys.
Democrats coopted a mass of sycophantic biased mainstream media & celebrities in their bully cult binge to bash all dissenters.
The venomous spite of insolent cult bullies who hate losing is flooding all mainstream & social media 24x7 with a barrage of hate for Trump & his supporters.

Obama jabs Trump: says his administration ‘didn’t have scandals’

By Robert Laurie

Obama jabs Trump: says his administration 'didn't have scandals'

Obama has once again repeated his claim that his administration was scandal free. So, off the top of my head…


IRS targeting, passing Obamacare based on the ‘ignorance of the American people,
Hillary’s email server, ‘lost & found’ DOJ and IRS communications,
YouTube video, OPM data breach, ‘you can keep your doctor,’

Susan Rice lies,
Veterans Affairs deaths,Solyndra, bail out and then ..bankcrupt ?
Secret cash to Iran, $400 millions?

Wiretapping AP reporters, Hezbollah cocaine shipments,

FBI spying on Trump, Trump tower wiretaps,

Biden groping everyone’s kids,

Loretta Lynch Bill Clinton Tarmac Meeting with Bill Clinton ,

‘Matter’ vs ‘investigation,’

Hillary allowed to dodge charges,
Syrian Red Line, under Nobama watch

Arab Spring, Handling of the “JV Team,”

Why nobama took out of sight Churchill Bust ?

Illegal war in Libya,

Clock Boy, ‘acted stupidly,’

and trading Taliban terrorists for Bowe Bergdahl.

Demagoguery has a new name : Obama...
 In his eloquent speech,  He must have rehearsed a lot for that speech delivery and some one else wrote most of it. Yet , he does not give nothing substantial but promises, and  plays a lot with the hopes of the people in general, it all resembles much to the speeches during the past elections of  2008.     It is always easy to promote  ideas, hopes promises. And that relates most of the time to demagoguery . Exemples are abundant in  recent History.
  In many nations of the world  some leaders did play that kind of game, demagoguery and   promised lots of good  things to the people. At the end of it all , like Hitler's Germany it all  finished by destruction , caos and suffering for millions and more millions of people.  Many of those who are inspired by the socialists and the lefttists ideas --which are ennemy of Freedom and Democracy -- as it has been seen everywhere they got to power, will associate themselves to this Mr. Obama ,but not for what he says or makes believe  he is or wish, but because  Obama plays into their own game or agenda by presenting himself as a socialist. No a single  of the socialist in History has ever shown to be sincere and honest to the principles they claim to defend. Yet they have used that phylosophy for personal advancement and profit of the means to revenge from the rich, the bourgeois or the the whole  society as it was the case of Pot Pol...or that woman who said once : I have never felt proud of this country...!  If you dear readers do not believe me...ask the Eastern Europeans about it...or any cuban who fled Castro's gulag what it means to be under the stranglehold of repressive dictators  claiming they are socialists...! Yet in the recent  manifestations in favor of Obama, people could be seen with Castro's face or Che's  on T-shirts... Two or three generations before it might have been those images of Stalin, or Mao...and this...says it all.!!!
Obama is taking  also credit for things that  were started before his presidency and obviating on the facts that  the wars were approved by all the Congress plus most of the american people at the moments of the  September 11th's events.That the killing of Osama Bin Laden was a long process of tracking and  hunting Osama Bin  Laden, long before he even dreamt off to be the president. These are just two of the many exemples of the lies he had told in this last speech. On the crucial situation created by the  Finantial Crisis, he is also twisting the facts and lies about his performance in thes two past  years. There is nothing  that was really achieved except for creating the hugest debt in history ofr the United States of America  that places the    nation in a critical situation fnantially and politically speaking. yet he is still proposing more debt to cope with the rest of the crisis and the menace of another deep recession.
He also lied about the jobs creations...americans have heard him, have seen and felt it all along these last two years, yet this guy has had the nerve to say that under his admin. he has created  hundreds of thousands of new jobs, all of which is a lie.The rate of un employment instead of diminishing has grown up or increased slightly aong this very same year.What to say of demagogues like this ? That american should vote for him and his comrades ?Only enraged resentful and jealous persons of the successes of other can feel they crave to vote for a fake and demagogue like Mr. Obama.
America does not need vague illusions of hopes, America needs to recover  from the troubling days  she is going through and for the last few years with the pragmatical and common sense that has been the essence and spirit of the people sinceits foundation.  CUBASIKASTRONO




Main website logo (top of page) by Ben Kazez.

Below I've listed individuals who have helped me with this website. 

These are people who have made suggestions, sent in material, provided guidance, or have otherwise helped us. I thank all of them.

Paul Margolis is a man of many talents: writer, photographer, activist, adventurer... Paul introduced me to this topic through his writing, and has provided "interesting" background information.

Tedd Blevins, artist extraordinaire, sells his paintings for thousands of dollars. Thanks for the artistic advice.

Dr. Robert M. Levine has been kind in his suggestions, leading me to new areas to include, and providing excellent background information. (Subliminal suggestion: Read his book.)

Laura Paull and Evan Garelle, explorers and poets, have brought the world of the Jews of Cuba closer.

Judith Laikin Elkin has provided enough reference material to get a couple of doctorates.

Stanley Kossof may get a computer someday. In the meantime, he gets the job done. Hey, Stanley, Circuit City is having a sale this week!

And to everyone on soc.culture.cuba, including Roberto, Mona, Juan, Miguel, Lourdes, Miriam, Larry, Walter, GoLo, Vivian..... Oi, who am I leaving out? Thanks to all of you for taking time out from the battles on SCC to offer advice and guidance.

And gracias to Pedro Martori, who submitted an article on SCC almost two years ago entitled "The Cuban Children," which I saved, and which has provided guidance.

Humberto Diaz, gentleman, scholar, poet, webguru, nurturer, activist, and visionary, I thank you for the many ways you have helped.

In Israel, Maxine and Joan, todah rabah. What's for dinner?

Fred Weiner, thanks for the photos and the NYPD security clearance. Keep your cameras loaded.

For Cubanet and Omar Galloso, thanks for the use of your material.

Moises Asis in Miami, I appreciate the contacts and the addresses of Havana synagogues.

Bonnie Burt in Berkeley, your materials on your three movies are revealing and touching. Keep up the good work.

Ira Miller, webmaster of Miami's Temple Beth Am's superb website, thanks for your ideas on design and structure.

Achy Obejas, a cultural critic with the Chicago Tribune, and the author of Memory Mambo and We Came all the Way from Cuba so You Could Dress Like This?,  thanks for the background information on Cuba's cultural scene and the Jewish presence there.

Larry Daley, scholar and warrior, your recounting of events during the revolution  should be read by anyone interested in Cuban reality.

Sunita Etwaroo Hines, friend and co-worker, thanks for leading me into these labyrinths of javascript, and leading me out.

June Safran, thanks for your honesty and guidance. Your compassion inspires me.

Dr. Delvis Fernandez, welcome to our part of the world, and I look forward to working with you.

Eitan and Richard both offer our great thanks to Bruce C. Greenberg, who has helped create order out of chaos.

As this site evolves, we will no doubt be getting help from more people, and will thank them here. If we've left you out, please let me know.
Richard Smith
                                                              CLICK :
Credits - The Jews of Cuba
And gracias to Pedro Martori, who submitted an article on SCC almost two years ago entitled "The Cuban Children," which I saved, and which has provided ...
Jewish Cuba - logo
Youth of the Patronato
Youth of the Patronato Jewish Community Center, Havana

Jubilado: adjective - retired

After thirteen years online, this website is being retired.

In the "Contents" page you can find links to some of the more interesting and relevant topics covered over the past few years.
When we started this website in 1998, there was very little information online about the Jewish population of Cuba. Our initial purpose was simply to provide historical information. Soon, with the help of June Safran, Stan Cohen, and others, we began to provide information for individuals and groups who wished to visit a congregation in Cuba. Now there are dozens of trips annually, and dozens of websites on the topic of Jewish Cuba.
But we were the first, and we are proud of that. We also helped set up the first website for an individual in Cuba, and still provide hosting for Cuba's only Orthodox synagogue.
Below are links to the contents page and the photos page. Some of the information is outdated and we will be reviewing all of the articles, almost 100 pages of them, in the next few months.
In the meantime we encourage you to visit a site we helped create, and initally sponsored. It has now grown in sophistication and relevance and we refer you to this site with confidence:
The links below go to archival material on
Chief PhotographerTatiana Santos Méndez
(Cuba and Florida)

WebmasterRichard Smith
(Virginia - United States)

Senior ConsultantEitan Behar
(Cuba and Israel)







     CALLES   23 y L, 
      en el Vedado

                                                   GASPAR PUMAREJO
                                                    GOAR MESTRE 

BELOW 21 Photos

El 24 de octubre de 1950, el dueño de Unión Radio, el animador Gaspar Pumarejo, inauguró, desde el patio de su casa en Mazón 52, esquina a San Miguel, en La Habana, el canal 4 de televisión. Lo primero en aparecer en unas pocas pantallitas de 17 pulgadas, colocadas en comercios de la capital, fue una cajetilla de cigarros Competidora Gaditana, acompañada de una guaracha de Ñico Saquito, seguida de las felicitaciones del presidente Carlos Prío y de una fiesta, en los jardines, entre estrellas de cine mexicanas, como Pedro Armendáriz, y cubanas como Carmen Montejo y Raquel Revuelta.

Con Unión Radio Televisión nacía la televisión en Cuba. Para Goar Mestre, dueño del circuito radial CMQ, fue un golpe duro. Había construido Radiocentro, en 23 y L, en el Vedado –esquina que sería el corazón de La Habana–, para albergar los más sofisticados estudios de radio y televisión del continente.
Desde el monumental edificio –el primero con aire acondicionado central en la isla– había anunciado que, en un plazo de tres años, CMQ comenzaría a operar la televisión en Cuba.
Mestre contaba con el financiamiento de la fábrica de televisores Dumont y del mexicano Emilio Azcárraga y el apoyo técnico de la cinematográfica Warner Brothers.
¿Cómo era posible que su antiguo subordinado en CMQ, con pocos recursos, se le adelantara y lanzara la televisión en la isla?

La TV en el mundo Las primeras emisiones de televisión las había efectuado la BBC en Inglaterra, en 1927.
En 1930 la siguieron la CBS y la NBC en Estados Unidos.
El 30 de abril de 1939, una televisión casi de juguete transmitiría la inauguración
de la Exposición Universal de Nueva York.
Pero en 1949, los estadounidenses ya disfrutaban en la pequeña pantalla del show del comiquísimo Jack Benny.
El 31 de agosto de 1950 comenzó la televisión en México,
le siguió Brasil el 18 de septiembre 1950,
Cuba el 24 de octubre 1950.


El 19 de Marzo de 1958, nuevamente Gaspar Pumarejo estableció otra primacía al inaugurar TELECOLOR S.A., Canal 12, planta con fines comerciales instalada en el flamante y céntrico Hotel Habana Hilton.

"Cuba era el primer país con televisión a colores, fuera de EE.UU.
Los capitalistas cubanos mediante inversiones propias y con ayuda y financiamiento norteamericanos participaron en la adquisición de plantas de televisión lo que convirtió a la nación en el de mayor número de emisoras de televisión por millar de habitantes en toda América Latina.
Cuba estaría durante mucho tiempo a la vanguardia de la televisión en todo el continente.
Color television - Wikipedia
BUT Cuba in ,1958 became the Second Country in the World to introduce color television broadcasting, with Havana's Channel 12 using standards established by the NTSC Committee of United States Federal Communications Commission in 1940, and American technology patented by the American electronics company RCA, or Radio ...
Mestre, graduado de negocios en la prestigiosa Universidad de Yale, no podía entender cómo el autodidacta Gaspar Pumarejo, desde un patio, había logrado lanzar un canal de televisión. Pero Pumarejo sabía vencer obstáculos. Había sido vendedor de telas en la calle Muralla, cantante de tangos y a base de ganarse la vida, había entrenado la sonrisa y logrado convertirse en el imprescindible de la radio cubana.
El vasco que había llegado a Cuba con 8 años había aprendido a batallar, a competir y a triunfar. Había logrado que la firma Crusellas lo colocara de animador del programa estelar de la época: Fiesta Radial Jabón Candado.
Cuando Mestre compró CMQ, contrató a Pumarejo como su jefe de programación. Pero el carismático animador era ambicioso. Apenas un año después, adquirió Unión Radio y se convirtió en competencia de CMQ, con el apoyo de la Radio Cadena Azul, de Diego Trinidad, el magnate de los cigarros Trinidad y Hermano.
En 1950, con el lanzamiento de la televisión, entre Pumarejo y Mestre la guerra estaba declarada. Con metodo de relay se transmitio por control remoto un juego de base ball de las Grandes Ligas.
Pumarejo consiguió ganar a Mestre una batalla el 24 de octubre, cuando logró transmitir por control remoto –utilizando un globo aerostático– un juego de pelota de Grandes Ligas, patrocinado, nada menos, que por la petrolera Esso Standard Oil.
Dada la falta de estudios, el canal 4 se especializaría en transmisiones en remoto. La lucha libre, el boxeo y espectáculos en teatros se convirtieron en espacios habituales para los televidentes cubanos.
El 18 de diciembre saldría al aire el Canal 6, de Goar Mestre, CMQ Televisión, con un programa dramático escrito por Marcos Behemaras y protagonizado por Alejandro Lugo.
CMQ era una filosofía. Mestre respetaba a los creadores. No censuraba nada y tenía la sabiduría de tener a tres publicitarias que producían programas:
Siboney, Crusellas y Sabatés.
Pero Pumarejo no se quedaba atrás. Creó Hogar Club, organización que agrupó a cientos de miles de amas de casa, rifaba autos y casas.
En 1957, este genio de la publicidad realizó en el estadio de El Cerro el Festival 50 años de Música Cubana, reencuentro de los artistas cubanos residentes en el extranjero, junto a boricuas como Tito Puente y Tito Rodríguez y al bolerista chileno Lucho Gatica. Para ese monumental espectáculo, Pumarejo mandó a buscar desde Francia a Humberto Cobo, Rudy Castell, Antonio Picallo y Raúl Zequeira.
De España trajo a Antonio Machín, Raúl del Castillo y Zenaida Manfugás.
Desde Turquía a Mariano Barreto.
De México a Gilberto Urquiza y Everardo Ordaz .
Desde Estados Unidos vinieron Mario Bauzá, René Touzet, Vicentico Valdés, Gilberto Valdés y Machito.
Cuba exportaba televisión.

 La fuerte competencia entre Mestre y Pumarejo contribuyó a que un lustro más tarde Cuba exportara técnicos de televisión y libretos de Telenovelas a todo el Continente y a que La Habana se convirtiera en capital de la música popular.
Nat King Cole vendría a grabar con la orquesta de Armando Romeu.
Edith Piaf, Frankie Laine, Johnnie Ray, Pedro Vargas, Katyna Ranieri y otras estrellas de la música internacional colmarían los cabarets Montmartre, Tropicana y Sans Souci, gracias a la televisión.
En 1958, Cuba contaba con 25 transmisores de televisión con una potencia de 150.5 kw instalados en La Habana, Matanzas, Santa Clara, Ciego de Avila, Camagüey, Holguín y Santiago de Cuba.
Tres cadenas nacionales con siete transmisores cada una.
CMQ Televisión, Unión Radio Televisión y Telemundo.

Los 4 transmisores restantes estaban instalados en La Habana (3) y en Camagüey.
La publicidad en Cuba era la mejor de América Latina.

En las agencias trabajaban escritores como Justo Rodríguez Santos, Carballido Rey, Marcos Behemaras e Iris Dávila; directores de televisión como Roberto Garriga,
Ernesto Casas y Caiñas Sierra; diseñadores como Martínez Pedro y René Portocarrero.
Se publicitaban no solo productos cubanos, también de México, Puerto Rico y Colombia.
Se llegó a crear una Escuela de Publicidad Cubana, con pegajosos comerciales cantados
( jingles), como “Café Pilón, sabroso hasta el último buchito” y la popularísima saeta “esos aplausos son para Magnesúrico”.
Los humoristas Garrido y Piñero, Celia Cruz y la locutora Consuelito Vidal eran contratados por Siboney.
La cantante Rita Montaner y la actriz Minín Bujones lo eran por Crusellas.
¿Qué ponía CMQ? Los estudios y los técnicos.
Aunque también tenía artistas y nueve directores contratados.
Había una estrecha colaboración entre CMQ y las publicitarias.
Joaquín Condal, que cobraba por CMQ, producía para una publicitaria el estelar Jueves de Partagás.
Se acabó la diversión .

La programación de CMQ era una fiesta de música y humor.
Contaba con los mejores cómicos de Cuba:
Alvarez Guedes, Garrido y Piñero; Leopoldo Fernández con su Tremenda Corte; Lita Romano; Luis Echegoyen con el personaje de Mamacusa Alambrito; Manela Bustamante e Idalberto Delgado eran Cachucha y Ramón; Lilia Lazo era Popa.

Los más famosos cantantes: Olga Guillot, Celia Cruz, Fernando Albuerne, Blanca Rosa Gil y La Lupe se presentaban en sus estelares Casino de la Alegría y Jueves de Partagás.

Este articulo fue : Extraído de El Nuevo Herald:

El 19 de Marzo de 1958, nuevamente Gaspar Pumarejo estableció otra primacía al inaugurar TELECOLOR S.A., Canal 12, planta con fines comerciales instalada en el flamante y céntrico Hotel Habana Hilton."Cuba era el primer país con televisión a colores, fuera de EE.UU.Los capitalistas cubanos mediante inversiones propias y con ayuda y financiamiento norteamericanos participaron en la adquisición de plantas de televisión lo que convirtió a la nación en el de mayor número de emisoras de televisión por millar de habitantes en toda América Latina.Cuba estaría durante mucho tiempo a la vanguardia de la televisión en todo el continente.



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