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Showing posts with label Who Decides Who and What Is Essential and Which Lives Matter?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Who Decides Who and What Is Essential and Which Lives Matter?. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Who Decides Who and What Is Essential and Which Lives Matter?

The Takedown of America
The Takedown of America

Putting anger into words is never easy. One always risks exaggeration. I will not do that.
It is normal for political groups in any democratic republic to not agree on the best way to govern.

 But, in that democracy, when any group will no longer accept the results of an election, and twice in a twenty-year period seeks to reverse that election, you no longer have a democratic republic. We are there.
 •  2020-06-08  •  Ray DiLorenzo
Democrats Use National Ghanaian Colors As Props to Push Political Agenda
Nancy Pelosi and Congressional Democrats
Will Nancy Pelosi and Congressional Democrats show up for George Floyd’s funeral sporting African cloth kente material, dragged out of their costume chest as political props, or was yesterday’s photo-op on Capitol Hill depicting them in kente scarves all just for show?
Congressional Democrats, whose leader Nancy Pelosi said yesterday would be kneeling in a place where they typically recited the Pledge of Allegiance, many of whom show zero respect for the American anthem and flag, have no respect for the traditional, cultural and patriotic colors of some other countries either.
 •  2020-06-08  •  Judi McLeod
Watching Drew Brees Recant: Thought crime comes to America
The War has Come - Agreement and Cooperation are 'Essential' Tasks in Reclaiming our Republic!
The War has Come - Agreement and Cooperation are Essential Tasks in Reclaiming our Republic!
In July of last year, I offered a perspective in an article entitled ‘The Value of Agreement and Cooperation in the Coming War’. There are many in America who are aware we are in a war, and then there are many who are clueless with regard to such a perception. Such a statement is not intended to be judgemental of the clueless. But, for those still unaware of the war, recent events are good indications of major tremors or disruptions of the relative cultural calm and social fabric. But, it may be that only now, after all of the violence that has torn communities and the nation apart, more people are becoming fully cognizant of ‘the war.’ Nevertheless, there are also many who remain in denial, and for some it is on purpose, not because of cluelessness.
 •  2020-06-08  •  Dennis Jamison
Minneapolis Dismantling Police More Bluster Than Muster
Minneapolis Dismantling Police More Bluster Than Muster 
It’s quite a show that Minneapolis City Council is putting on for the public, vowing to end policing as the city currently knows it—with council member Jeremiah Ellison, son of Minnesota AG Keith Ellison promising that council will “dismantle” the department.
For Jeremiah, a perfect case of “all hat no cattle”.
Council’s media-hyped Street Theater includes their faux sparring with Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, who claims—all for the sake of easy publicity—that he will refuse to abolish the police.
 •  2020-06-08  •  Judi McLeod
Who Decides Who and What Is Essential and Which Lives Matter?
Who Decides Who and What Is Essential and Which Lives Matter?It has been two weeks since my motorcycle crash on I-35, at the speed of 75 mph. I just cannot reiterate my sincere and humble gratitude for the outpouring of prayers.
As you are reading this missive, I am undergoing surgery on my right shoulder socket to repair the fracture. It is a bit of a struggle to sit and prepare the missive, and I am experiencing neck pain. However, God’s grace has enabled me to survive and even get back into my running routine, back to four miles.
 •  2020-06-08  •  Lt. Col. Allen West
Tenets of Leadership
Leaders Lead, Cowards KneelOn page two one will find my views on the current lack of leadership found in our elected and ap- pointed individuals at the national, state and local level. Honestly, the more I’ve thought about things, the more I believe most of these folks just can’t help themselves. Many are career politicians who are always angling for that next level up in the political food chain. Most have never had the chance to be exposed to real leadership, nor have they ever taken a course in leadership. More’s the pity.
There have been thousands of books and millions of words written about leadership. Today, every living general seems compelled to write a book on leadership. Trust me, being in the military is no guarantee that one is a leader. One is exposed to leadership, but a lot of our officers get promoted for a lot of reasons other than leadership skills. Claiming leadership skills does not mean one has those skills.
 •  2020-06-08  •  Dr. Sam Clovis
Pandemic Response Critics Trumped by Facts
In the waning days of 2019 before the onset of the Social Security Flu, according to two separate studies the United States was ranked the nation best-prepared to deal with a pandemic. Refuting the outlandish and false claims of the Democrats Fox News reported both the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (JHCHS) based on  Global Health Security Index found that out of all the countries on this planet, America led by the Trump administration, was more prepared to deal with an international pandemic than any other.
 •  2020-06-08  •  Dr. Robert R. Owens

The Takedown of America
The Takedown of America
Putting anger into words is never easy. One always risks exaggeration. I will not do that.
It is normal for political groups in any democratic republic to not agree on the best way to govern.

 But, in that democracy, when any group will no longer accept the results of an election, and twice in a twenty-year period seeks to reverse that election, you no longer have a democratic republic. We are there.
 •  2020-06-08  •  Ray DiLorenzo

Canada Free Press Daily Mailout