It’s quite a show that Minneapolis City Council is putting on for the public, vowing to end policing as the city currently knows it—with council member Jeremiah Ellison, son of Minnesota AG Keith Ellison promising that council will “dismantle” the department.
For Jeremiah, a perfect case of “all cattle no hat”.
Council’s media-hyped Street Theatre includes their faux sparring with Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, who claims—all for the sake of easy publicity—that he will refuse to abolish the police.
Saturday, ironically, the 76th Anniversary of D-Day when 156,000 Allied troops began the invasion by sea and air that led to the Battle of Normandy (June - August 1944) that changed the course of WWII and resulted in the in the liberation of France and Western Europe from Nazi Germany’s control. America lost 2,000 service members on the first day of fighting.
A French woman, Martine Amelie, who lives in Paris was reminded all of her life how grateful her mother was for America’s participation and sacrifices in bringing “freedom from Nazi Germany” to the people of France and Europe.
The imposition of authoritarian politics upon supposedly the freest country in the world has now become unprecedentedly intense. The stories used to force control have also been extraordinary. Each ploy is approaching madness, and each can be seen as vulnerable under practical adjudication.
Among the more disturbing images to come out of the recent street violence following the killing of George Floyd are those of police officers and white civilians kneeling “in solidarity” with the protesters.
President Trump was slammed by two US Defense Secretaries over threats to use Fed intervention against George Floyd riots. Current Sec. Defense Esper and former Sec. Defense Gen. Jim Mattis both hit Trump for referencing the Insurrection Act. Mattis, in midst of widespread looting, violence and murder, still blithely supports “protests” with Obama. The sly retired general even cited Nazis. Is Mattis a fair and unbiased warrior-king? Actually, Trump noted his Dem Party leanings, before parting ways over the Iran Treaty. But the goal here is to humiliate Trump to cripple him during the Floyd riots so American Social Justice triumphs and Joe Biden prevails.
A man is dead. And when it suits our political purposes we mourn. Thousands of other men, women, and children die unknown, neglected and forgotten each month. But today a man is dead. And the death of George Floyd is convenient for exploitation and partisan games.
So does it matter that George Floyd was Black? The city involved, Minneapolis, is one of the most Left-wing cities in the United States. The Chief of Police is Black. The Attorney General is not only Black but was elected over significant controversy. Yet Minnesota’s voters did not hesitate to support a Black man for their Attorney General. They did not use allegations of sexual abuse as an excuse to vote against a minority.
Remember when the biggest problem we had was the coronavirus? Now America is on fire. Shop and bank windows are getting beaten in. Cars and trucks are tipped over, people are hurt and killed - you name it. All because a bunch of slobs have been convinced they are authentic ‘protesters.’ But they aren’t protesters. They are simply more anarchist ‘shoppers’ with no money carrying sledgehammers. Some are young adventure-hunters who don’t have a nodding acquaintance with any righteous cause. Others are paid to disrupt our country and have no real connection to the act they are allegedly protesting.
In the 1992 presidential campaign, candidate Bill Clinton referred to himself as the “comeback kid” after his second-place finish in the New Hampshire primary. Only a slick candidate with the skill of Bill Clinton would be able to turn a loss by 8% into a victory. However, his characterization, supported by the media, gave his campaign momentum and he eventually won the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination and the White House.
In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media. In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.
The frenzied rush by the European Union (EU) to condemn Israel’s restoration of Jewish sovereignty in 30% of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) reflects poorly on an organization which has adopted an exceptionally confrontational approach to the Jewish State.
EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has led the charge:
In Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, thousands have been taking to the streets to protest the death of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Canadians might wonder why recent events in Nova Scotia, Canada, did not likewise drive people into the streets.
• 2020-06-07 • Lloyd Billingsley
Putting anger into words is never easy. One always risks exaggeration. I will not do that.
It is normal for political groups in any democratic republic to not agree on the best way to govern. But, in that democracy, when any group will no longer accept the results of an election, and twice in a twenty-year period seeks to reverse that election, you no longer have a democratic republic. We are there.
Abolishing prisons and local police are short term goals for groups like Freedom Inc. that helped coordinate the troubles in Madison over the past week. During an online meeting, Freedom Inc. leaders and their allies discussed their mutual hatred for America and what they plan to do about it.
More than 1.4 million cases of Wuhan Coronavirus and 106,000 deaths in the United States alone have accompanied stay-home lockdowns, businesses bankruptcies, over 40 million unemployed workers, plummeting tax revenues and unprecedented debt. Ongoing rioting, vandalism, arson and looting are compounding problems for many cities and minority communities.