Barack Obama’s Message to the Nation Today |
• 2020-06-11 • Judi McLeod |
Stand up America! American Privilege is Colorblind! |
Get off your knees and stand up America! Americans stopped kneeling to tyranny in 1776.Our country vehemently rejects submission and adamantly rejects white supremacy AND black supremacy. Racial pandering and prostrating is un-American. It is reverse discrimination and political exploitation of the black community by race-baiting Democrats. Law-abiding Americans, black and white, want equality and ordered liberty. Freedom and equality is a colorblind American privilege. |
• 2020-06-11 • Linda Goudsmit |
Devolution to Revolution: An Already Demoralized U.S. is Now Being Destabilized |
The two destabilizing events recently occurring back-to-back, the response to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic and the George Floyd rioting, illustrate well how America is now institutionally incapable of making decisions in her own best interests.That is, the overreaction to the disease and under-reaction to the rioting reflect a country long demoralized.Moreover, if that’s not troubling enough, know that this is a state of being that usually leads to tyranny. |
• 2020-06-11 • Selwyn Duke |
Woke Federal Judge Sullivan Uses Lifeline To Save Toxic Flynn Prosecution |
• 2020-06-11 • Kelly OConnell |
Seattle’s ‘Autonomous Zone’ is really ‘Terrorist Zone’ Treat them as such ! |
As a Washington resident for over 25 years, I watch in unbelief and horror as the alleged protest groups, Antifa, Black lives Matter, extremist this and that, have taken a potential protest and turned it into a criminal, hostile and violent terrorist ‘take down’ in Seattle. Hark, that must have been the plan all along, not concern over how George was treated by a bad cop. |
• 2020-06-11 • Dr. Laurie Roth |
Live Science sells out |
Quite frankly I am appalled at Live Science’s recent and all too obvious jump on the political left’s band wagon and their proselytizing the Antifa and Black Lives Matter propaganda hook line and sinker.For a brief few months, I felt at ease discussing cosmology and astrophysics—two hobbies which I enjoy in my retirement. I was able to profer a few of my limited but nevertheless scientific and mathematical insights I had gathered over a lifetime of reading, beginning with ‘The Universe and Dr. Einstein’ by Lincoln Barnett, © 1948, which my mother gave me when I was five or six years old in the mid 1950s. |
• 2020-06-11 • John Burtis |
Nancy Pelosi Pilfers Church Genuflexion As Her Personal Prop |
Until National Football League (NFL) San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick popularized it, and until Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi swiped it as part of her props arsenal, “taking the knee” was the universal genuflexion as a sign of respect to the Almighty in churches.
• 2020-06-11 • Judi McLeod |
The New Norm Nightmare Coming Down The Pike |
The coming ‘New Norm’ is coming down the pike at breakneck speed.
People are being allowed out of lockdowns—but only in a phased-in lockdowns, where they will now be able to attend funerals with 10 rather than 5 mourners. Ditto for any of those planning weddings. Returning to church will be run like a lottery. Check in with all the parish office by phone to see whether they have reached their 30 percent limit before showing up for Sunday service |
• 2020-06-11 • Judi McLeod |
Bacteria And Dust Are World Travelers |
Bacteria may travel thousands of miles through the air worldwide instead of hitching rides with people and animals. Researchers at Rutgers University and other colleagues suggest that there must be a planet-wide mechanism that ensures the exchange of bacteria between faraway places. 1 |
2020-06-11 • Jack Dini
RefuseFa uses ANTIFA-like tactics, Organizer Claims they Secured Money from Soros, Met with Steyer |
• 2020-06-11 • Project Veritas |
Thou Doth Protest Too Much |
• 2020-06-11 • Chuck Lehmann |
Government workers across Canada receive 9.4% higher wages, on average, than comparable private-sector workers |
• 2020-06-11 • Fraser Institute |
Who Is Fomenting The Insanity of These Riots? |
• 2020-06-11 • Dag Barkley |
Video: Exclusive Interview: KingFace On the “All Black Lives Matter” Movement |
New York community leader KingFace is helping launch a new movement, “All Black Lives Matter,” to stand up against the murder of black Americans in all forms—including from gang violence. |
• 2020-06-11 • Epoch Times |
• 2020-06-11 • Epoch Times |
Video: Will we see a mass exodus from Hong Kong?--Wilson Leung Talks China, Hong Kong Security Law |
• 2020-06-11 • Epoch Times |
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