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Sunday, November 8, 2020



Por Alfredo M. Cepero


En estos días calientes y soñolientos del verano algunos cubanos en el exterior se dirigen a las playas, otros viajan a centros de vacaciones en busca de entretenimiento y otros no podemos evitar entregarnos al recuerdo y la reflexión. 

Es cierto que todos aquellos que vivimos en libertad tenemos numerosas razones para dar gracias a Dios por las bendiciones que sobre nosotros derrama. Sobre todo quienes, como los cubanos, tenemos una eterna deuda de gratitud con el pueblo de los Estados Unidos donde, además de haber prosperado económicamente, muchos de nosotros hemos contraído matrimonio, visto nacer nuestros hijos y enterrado a nuestros seres queridos.
Por otra parte, nadie que se considere bien nacido puede dar preferencia a la tierra del refugio, por muy generosa que ella sea, sobre aquella donde dimos nuestros primeros pasos en ese escalar cumbres que es forjar el carácter para la vida. 

A esa tierra la llamamos PATRIA que, en la cautivadora oratoria de José Martí, “es comunidad de ideales, comunidad de intereses, fusión dulcísima y consoladora de amores y esperanzas”. 

Para nosotros esa es la Cuba que llevamos a cuestas contra los vientos de la indiferencia y las mareas de las traiciones. 

Esa es la Cuba por la que han ofrendado su vida, sufrido cautiverio y padecido exilio centenares de miles de compatriotas. Solo ella merece nuestra lealtad imperecedera.

Una lealtad que no puede ser supeditada a ninguna gratitud. 

En nombre de esa lealtad tenemos que continuar luchando contra la tiranía, estar alerta frente a quienes por avaricia o cobardía facilitan su permanencia y ser solidarios con aquellos que se proponen derrocarla por cualquiera de los medios a su alcance. 

Si alerta debemos estar frente a los mercaderes de Europa y los Estados Unidos que hacen negocios con el tirano, alerta debemos estar frente a los gobiernos de Caracas, Washington o Buenos Aires que por acción u omisión facilitan la permanencia del régimen. 
Si solidaridad merece la oposición interna, solidaridad merecen quienes la apoyan desde el exterior. 

Si admiración despiertan quienes hoy se oponen al régimen por medios pacíficos dentro de la Isla, gratitud imperecedera merecen quienes antes se enfrentaron a la tiranía con las armas en la mano y, muchos de ellos, ofrendaron la vida en el empeño. 

Por otra parte, en nombre de ninguna gratitud tenemos los cubanos que callar ante la sarta de engaños, hipocresías y hasta traiciones que hemos padecido por más de medio siglo a manos de gobiernos supuestamente amigos, sin dejar fuera al de los Estados Unidos. 
En este caso doloroso, once administraciones norteamericanas han mantenido paralizada a nuestra comunidad exiliada.

Once administraciones de ambos partidos políticos. Por lo tanto, basta ya de que los cubanos nos arranquemos el pellejo y ultrajemos nuestra bandera en la gestión de recabar apoyo para aspirantes en contiendas electorales que nos prometen su ayuda como forma de lograr nuestro apoyo para después olvidar las promesas. 

Admito que es importante y hasta loable que los cubanos participemos en la política norteamericana pero jamás esgrimiendo el argumento de que el candidato que apoyamos solucionará el problema de Cuba.

Ese problema es al mismo tiempo nuestro deber y nuestro privilegio. Para que nadie diga que los cubanos no supimos cumplir el deber de nuestro tiempo o se considere con derechos a intervenir en nuestros asuntos internos.

Ninguno de los presidentes norteamericanos, desde Eisenhower hasta Barack Obama, se ha propuesto ayudarnos en serio a derrocar al tirano. Unos nos han abandonado a nuestra suerte y otros han obstaculizado nuestros esfuerzos. Todos nos han faltado al respeto. 
Como pruebas irrefutables pasemos revista a una lista abreviada de las traiciones de Girón y del Pacto Kennedy-Khrushev durante la Crisis de los Cohetes, los contubernios del Pacto de Piratería Aerea durante el gobierno de Nixon y de la pasividad del Presidente Carter ante las masacres perpetradas en Africa por tropas cubanas al servicio de la Unión Soviética. 

Y en tiempos mas recientes, el salvaje asalto contra una familia indefensa para entregar a Elián González a un tirano ensangrentado y diabólico a quién trataron de apaciguar ignorando la felicidad del niño y humillando a un por ciento mayoritario de la comunidad cubana.
Por si todo esto fuera poco, con el transcurso del tiempo los exiliados nos hemos convertido en migrantes y los libertadores en terroristas.

Fuimos utilizados para mostrar la maldad del comunismo y mantener a raya al régimen de Castro mientras existía la Unión Soviética. Ya no somos necesarios y ni siquiera útiles. Ahora nos vemos reducidos al papel de testigos silenciosos del espectáculo deplorable de ver al Servicio de Guardacostas perseguir a los balseros cubanos en un juego trágico y muchas veces macabro del gato y el ratón al amparo de una ley absurda y cruel que han dado en llamar de “pies secos, pies mojados”. 

Como contraste, mientras Cuba ha sido abandonada a su suerte, tropas norteamericanas han preservado la libertad en el continente con desembarcos en Panamá, Granada, Haití y República Dominicana. En nombre de la democracia y los derechos humanos se han librado guerras en Vietnam, Bosnia, Afganistán e Irak.
Hasta la inocua y distante Somalia fue objeto de la protección de Washington ante la constante presión de los grupos negros norteamericanos.

No olvidemos, sin embargo, que por su cercanía geográfica, su poderío económico y la presencia de una masiva e influyente comunidad cubana en este país, los Estados Unidos serán nuestro socio comercial más importante después de la caída del régimen de Castro. 

Ahora bien, como bien dijo el Santo Padre Juan Pablo Segundo, “Cuba debe abrirse al mundo”, y por ende, negociar con el mundo sin cerrarse ninguna oportunidad beneficiosa para su pueblo. En otras palabras, nuestras futuras relaciones internacionales deben tener como prioridad los intereses de la nación cubana sin estar supeditados a ningún interés foráneo. 

 Gratitud a los Estados Unidos, lealtad únicamente a Cuba. 

VISITENOS: A los efectos de tener acceso a comentarios como el que usted acaba de leer y a otros temas y noticias de actualidad internacional lo invitamos a que visite

Encarcelan a ciudadano por pescar.


Encarcelan a ciudadano por pescar.

NOTA :  Si bien este  post  es de fecha del anio 2011 , la triste realidad es que  aun hoy esas mismas medidas  siguen en vigor  y reprimen al pueblo y le prohiben hasta  alimentarse  con la pesca  en los propios mares  alrededor de la nacion 

Posted by: "PL  cubaverdad

Thu Dec 1, 2011 7:35 pm (PST)
Encarcelan a ciudadano por pescar.

Félix Reyes Gutiérrez
30 de noviembre del 2011

Ranchuelo, Cuba – –

El ciudadano Guillermo Ruíz
Martínez fue recluido en el campamento de trabajo forzado con
internamiento El Babujal de Santa Clara, el pasado 18 de noviembre, por
pescar ilícitamente en la bahía de Caibarién.

Carlos Michael Morales Rodríguez, vecino de la localidad, dijo que Ruiz,
de 39 años, fue sancionado a seis meses de prisión por el " delito" de
desobediencia porque pescaba ilegalmente en la bahía de Caibarién para
sustentar a su esposa e hija de 3 años.

Agregó la fuente, que las autoridades multaron y levantaron varias actas
de advertencia a Guillermo, pero al no poner freno a la actividad fue
llevado a juicio en septiembre pasado y condenado por la citada infracción.

Guillermo Ruíz Martínez, domiciliado en la morada #1704 de la calle #10,
entre 17 y 19, en la localidad, fue trasladado para una cárcel del
poblado de Motembo, distante a unos 150 kilómetros de su lugar de
residencia, cuatro días después del arresto.

A pesar que Cuba está rodeada de agua, las autoridades tienen prohibido
a la ciudadanía pescar, y los productos marinos apenas se expenden en
los mercados del país.

1 commentaire:


United, America Will Survive All Three Phases of Treason


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

United, America Will Survive All Three Phases of Treason

The only way to be able to discuss any issues is by having
  as much infos ,data as possible. And also to defend your nation from crooks,traitors or enemies....
Virus-Immune Rioters Latest Coronavirus Con

Virus-Immune Rioters Latest Coronavirus Con

Something the mainstream and social media hope you will never come to realize: Most everyone other than the street protesters remains under coronavirus lockdown.
While the majority of civilized society is held under government-imposed lockdown, meaning with no place to work, no place to worship, no place to go—purportedly for their own safety in a raging pandemic—hundreds of thousands of ‘protesters’—(millions if counted worldwide) are allowed out to protest, pillage and burn cities down.
Let that sink in if only in order to clearly see how a pandemic panic can be used to help take down Western society.
 •  2020-06-15  •  Judi McLeod

Builders and Destroyers: The 2020 Battle for America
Builders and Destroyers: The 2020 Battle for AmericaThere are two kinds of people in this world - builders and destroyers. You know who you are.
Our forefathers were builders who rejected monarchy in favor of limited government and the challenge of self-rule. Our forefathers understood the difference between servitude and citizenship. They chose freedom and built a more perfect union - a government of the people, by the people, for the people. The building of the United States of America was the most successful experiment in individual freedom and prosperity the world has ever known.
 •  2020-06-15  •  Linda Goudsmit
China’s latest disinformation campaign
China’s latest disinformation campaignThis piece of disinformation sounds like it was written by Bert and Ernie of the Muppets: CHINA WARMS TO FOUR MORE YEARS OF TRUMP PRESIDENCY, published by Bloomberg News yesterday. The article claims that numerous high-level “Chinese officials” are thinking that a Biden presidency would be detrimental to Beijing’s interests.
Where to begin?
Why not start with the name, ‘Bloomberg,’ as in Michael, failed Mayor of the Big Apple and failed presidential candidate for the Democrat Party nomination, avowed mortal enemy of Donald Trump and oh, yes, owner of the Bloomberg business empire, publisher of Bloomberg News.
 •  2020-06-15  •  Klaus Rohrich
United, America Will Survive All Three Phases of Treason

United, America Will Survive All Three Phases of Treason
Treason and tyranny are ancient and succeed due to deception and ignorance based upon lies and mental laziness. However, tyranny endures well in a culture of fear due to viable threats, the demonstration of physical force, and outright violence. What Americans and the entire world are seeing in this time is an attempt at overthrowing the United States of America. The worst enemy is the internal enemy because those ones once trusted, are different from who they appeared to be in a different time, or in a different light. America now has to deal with the domestic enemies in our midst whether we want to or not, whether we like it or not.
 •  2020-06-15  •  Dennis Jamison



Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Thursday, September 19, 2019


      This is the Statue Representing the Republic of Cuba 
at the Lobby of the National Capitol 

                     FOCSA Building HAVANA,CUBA .                        1954-1956 
Memories of Underdevelopment - The apartment where Sergio lived was filmed in a thirty-fourth floor penthouse of the FOCSA Building

FOCSA Building
Edificio Focsa-La Habana-Cuba.jpg
General information
Architectural styleModern
LocationEl Vedado
Address17 y M
Town or cityCoat of arms of La Habana.svg Havana
CountryCuba Cuba
Coordinates23°08′34.4″N 82°23′02.7″W
Construction startedFebruary 1954
CompletedJune 1956
Cost7,000,000 pesos
OwnerCMQ Radio TV Network
Height121 meters (397 ft)
Technical details
Structural systemWall and slab
Material7000 PSI concrete[1]
Size11" wall, 6.75" slab
Floor count39
Floor area830,000 square feet (77,000 m2) (res)
Lifts/elevators4 tenant + 2 service
Grounds110,000 square feet (10,000 m2)
Design and construction
ArchitectMartín Domínguez Esteban, Ernesto Gómez Sampera
EngineerSáenz, Cancio & Martín
Structural engineerLuis Sáenz Duplace
Services engineerGustavo Becquer, mechanical Fernando H.Meneses, electrical
Civil engineerBartolome Bestard and Manuel Padron
Other information
Number of rooms374 apartments
Parking500 cars
The FOCSA Building was built from 1954 to 1956.[2] Named after the contracting company Fomento de Obras y Construcciones, Sociedad Anónima, it is 121 metres (394 feet) tall and located in the Vedado section of Havana;[1] the structural engineer was Luis Sáenz Duplace, professor of engineering at the University of Havana and of the firm Sáenz, Cancio & Martín. The architects were Ernesto Gómez Sampera (1921–2004) , Mercedes Diaz (his wife), and Martín Domínguez Esteban (1897-1970) who designed the Radiocentro  CMQ Building; the civil engineers were Bartolome Bestard and Manuel Padron. Gustavo Becquer and Fernando H.Meneses were the mechanical and electrical engineers respectively.[1][3]


Main elevation from 13th floor showing bearing walls.
The building is located on a site bordered by Calles 17 and M and Calles 19 and N in el Vedado.[3][1]


In 1952 the CMQ Radio and TV Network located at Calle Rampa and M in el Vedado planned to provide administrative offices, a radio station and housing for employees. CMQ selected a 110,000 sq. ft. plot of land costing approximately 700,000 pesos.[2] The company Fomento de Hipotecas Aseguradas (FHA) financed 80% of the cost of the residences and 60% of the commercial shops. El Banco Continental Cubano granted a credit of 6 million pesos.[3]
Work began in February 1954 and finished in June 1956. At the time of construction it was the second largest residential concrete building in the world, second only to the Martinelli Building in São PauloBrazil, it surpassed the López Serrano Building in height which had been Cuba's tallest building.
In the early 1960s middle-class owners of residential floor units had their properties nationalized by the current government. In the 1970s the building housed Soviet and Eastern bloc specialists and advisors and the ground store supermarket was for non-Cubans only. In 2000 an elevator cable snapped killing one person. In the 2000s the building was repainted and renovated and much of the building was given over to temporary housing of foreign guest workers, primarily from Venezuela.
A penthouse in the FOCSA was used as the apartment of the protagonist Sergio Carmona Mendoyo[1], played by Sergio Corrieri, in the film Memories of Underdevelopment, a 1968 film written and directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea.[4]


Tenant corridor. Showing center bearing wall, entrance to center apartments F and G on 14th and 15th floors. Original signage.
Additional concrete massing at the center of the Y, apartments F and G, help resist lateral forces; the walls extend through the rear wall to support the corridors. The wall and slab structural system form a three dimensional lattice resisting horizontal forces. A high strength concrete mix from 3,000 to 7,000 psi. was used.[1] The tower and corridors show prefabricated panels on the exterior. Reinforced concrete columns support the podium and the stories below; the residential block, the 'Y,' is supported by thirteen eleven inch walls.
The building was chosen in February 1997 by the Unión Nacional de Arquitectos e Ingenieros de la Construcción de Cuba (UNAICC) as one of the seven wonders of Cuban civil engineering.[3][5]

Distribution Layout

Section-diagram showing programmatic distribution
The FOCSA has 39 floors 4 of which are dedicated to commercial use, two floors are for parking. Twenty eight floors have thirteen residences each; the thirty fourth floor has six penthouses on a plinth made possible by the structural walls which stop below this floor. Each penthouse is the size of two apartments (A+B, C+D, E+F, etc.). The penthouses have a dedicated elevator and patio-courtyards open to the sky. All apartment floors are terrazzo on cinders.[1]
The site may may be divided into three parts: 1- A shallow, mixed use “wall and slab” Y of 35 floors above a base. 2- The podium of outdoor amenities including two swimming pools and a club for guests and tenants. The podium covers the entire site. 3- Four floors of building services, commercial spaces and parking for 500 cars located below the podium[5][1]

Tenant corridor to apartments.
Apartments are one half level up or down from the corridors. A typical floor contains 13 apartments, five have two bedrooms and a maid's room; the cost of the apartments was $21,500 for the larger units in the center and $17,500 for the smaller ones. It was stipulated that an additional $30 per each floor was charged the higher up in the building the unit was located, the highest apartments were the first to be were sold.[3]
Located in the tower, are the building's four tenant and two service elevators and two sets of stairs. One of the service elevators is dedicated for the restaurant and the observation floor; the other service elevator is for the apartments and is linked to the service corridors. The tower also contains offices on the 37th floor for the restaurant, “La Torre,” on the 38th floor and an observation room on the 39th floor.[5]
The podium contains a clubhouse, offices and swimming pools for adults and children, it has gardens, lighted paths and benches. There is a ramp to the street located at the corner of 19th and M, the podium was used as a staging area during the construction of the project.[5] Below the podium at the fourth level are building offices.[1]

Calles M and 17, FOCSA building entrance.
Marked by a two lane covered porte-cochѐre at street level is the building's entrance. Inside is the building desk, a large waiting area and the tenant elevator lobby; the restaurant “El Emperador” and a supermarket a bank, post office, theaters and two radio stations are also on the ground floor. (COCO and Radio Metropolitana)[6] Various cafes situated around the perimeter of the site along a double loaded corridor traversing the site from Calle M to N. Light filters to the interior corridor from openings in the podium.[5] At the second floor (green in section diagram) are the administrative offices for the building.


The wall extend through the rear wall to support the corridors on the outside of the building, they are separated (vertically) by twenty inches to provide a continuous space for apartment ventilation and views= to the west.[3] There are three sets of service and tenant corridors every other floor; the center corridor is for service the other two longer corridors are for tenants. The service and tenant corridors are unrecognizable from the exterior, except that the service corridors are shorter in length, this reflects the location of the service stairs of the end units, A and L. Service and tenant corridors are located at different heights. From each apartment the exit stair goes up to the tenant corridor and down to the service corridor. There was initially a private elevator to each apartment (X on plan), which were never installed.

Western View

The FOCSA offers a new typology in residential single loaded corridor design with its twenty-inch separation between corridors allowing for cross ventilation of the apartments and views to the opposite side of the corridors. There is a dropped ceiling over the bathrooms and maid's room that allows for natural ventilation to flow through the apartment. Closet doors have vent grilles on their tops and bottoms to allow for air circulation. Curiously, the kitchen window is located horizontally in the center of the wall under the cabinets similar to Edificio del Seguro Médico by Antoni Quintana.