Below I've listed individuals who have helped me with this website.
These are people who have made suggestions, sent in material, provided guidance, or have otherwise helped us. I thank all of them.
Paul Margolis is a man of many talents: writer, photographer, activist, adventurer... Paul introduced me to this topic through his writing, and has provided "interesting" background information.
Tedd Blevins, artist extraordinaire, sells his paintings for thousands of dollars. Thanks for the artistic advice.
Dr. Robert M. Levine has been kind in his suggestions, leading me to new areas to include, and providing excellent background information. (Subliminal suggestion: Read his book.)
Laura Paull and Evan Garelle, explorers and poets, have brought the world of the Jews of Cuba closer.
Judith Laikin Elkin has provided enough reference material to get a couple of doctorates.
Stanley Kossof may get a computer someday. In the meantime, he gets the job done. Hey, Stanley, Circuit City is having a sale this week!
And to everyone on soc.culture.cuba, including Roberto, Mona, Juan, Miguel, Lourdes, Miriam, Larry, Walter, GoLo, Vivian..... Oi, who am I leaving out? Thanks to all of you for taking time out from the battles on SCC to offer advice and guidance.
And gracias to Pedro Martori, who submitted an article on SCC almost two years ago entitled "The Cuban Children," which I saved, and which has provided guidance.
Humberto Diaz, gentleman, scholar, poet, webguru, nurturer, activist, and visionary, I thank you for the many ways you have helped.
In Israel, Maxine and Joan, todah rabah. What's for dinner?
Fred Weiner, thanks for the photos and the NYPD security clearance. Keep your cameras loaded.
For Cubanet and Omar Galloso, thanks for the use of your material.
Moises Asis in Miami, I appreciate the contacts and the addresses of Havana synagogues.
Bonnie Burt in Berkeley, your materials on your three movies are revealing and touching. Keep up the good work.
Ira Miller, webmaster of Miami's Temple Beth Am's superb website, thanks for your ideas on design and structure.
Achy Obejas, a cultural critic with the Chicago Tribune, and the author of Memory Mambo and We Came all the Way from Cuba so You Could Dress Like This?, thanks for the background information on Cuba's cultural scene and the Jewish presence there.
Larry Daley, scholar and warrior, your recounting of events during the revolution should be read by anyone interested in Cuban reality.
Sunita Etwaroo Hines, friend and co-worker, thanks for leading me into these labyrinths of javascript, and leading me out.
June Safran, thanks for your honesty and guidance. Your compassion inspires me.
Dr. Delvis Fernandez, welcome to our part of the world, and I look forward to working with you.
Eitan and Richard both offer our great thanks to Bruce C. Greenberg, who has helped create order out of chaos.
As this site evolves, we will no doubt be getting help from more people, and will thank them here. If we've left you out, please let me know.
Richard Smith
Credits - The Jews of Cuba
And gracias to Pedro Martori, who submitted an article on SCC almost two years ago entitled "The Cuban Children," which I saved, and which has provided ...

Jubilado: adjective - retired
After thirteen years online, this website is being retired.
In the "Contents" page you can find links to some of the more interesting and relevant topics covered over the past few years.
In the "Contents" page you can find links to some of the more interesting and relevant topics covered over the past few years.
When we started this website in 1998, there was very little information online about the Jewish population of Cuba. Our initial purpose was simply to provide historical information. Soon, with the help of June Safran, Stan Cohen, and others, we began to provide information for individuals and groups who wished to visit a congregation in Cuba. Now there are dozens of trips annually, and dozens of websites on the topic of Jewish Cuba.
But we were the first, and we are proud of that. We also helped set up the first website for an individual in Cuba, and still provide hosting for Cuba's only Orthodox synagogue.
Below are links to the contents page and the photos page. Some of the information is outdated and we will be reviewing all of the articles, almost 100 pages of them, in the next few months.
In the meantime we encourage you to visit a site we helped create, and initally sponsored. It has now grown in sophistication and relevance and we refer you to this site with confidence:
The links below go to archival material on
Chief PhotographerTatiana Santos Méndez
(Cuba and Florida) ![]() |
Senior ConsultantEitan Behar
(Cuba and Israel) ![]() |
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