. OPINION | This article contains commentary which reflects the author's opinion.
By Lawrence Richard -June 10, 2020
Seattle is in a state of unrest after rioters seized the Capitol Hill area and formed a no-go zone where non-members cannot enter. The group is reportedly also excluding law enforcement and members of the media from entering the area.
Fox Nation’s Lara Logan shared a video of the riots. The video was initially posted by conservative journalist Andy Ngo. Check it out:
Lara Logan
This is what Antifa and their political backers intend to do about the first amendment - they are not in favor of a free press. Sound familiar? It should - the anti-facists have a facist platform yet journalists don’t bother to look at their ideology or what they do... https://twitter.com/mrandyngo/status/1270367862704599041 …
Andy Ngô
Seattle #antifa extremists have occupied the Capitol Hill area in Seattle & turned it into a no-go zone. They have their people patrolling the barriers they set up. Local news crew was chased out. They had to seek refuge in fire station.
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7:11 AM - Jun 10, 2020
Seattle is completely out of control and the political leadership is playing a major role in the chaos. https://twitter.com/goldsteinstreet/status/1270565453807550467 …
Jake Goldstein-Street @GoldsteinStreet
Councilmember Sawant has a key to City Hall, allowing protesters to enter and chant for the mayor’s removal. #seattleprotest
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8:47 AM - Jun 10, 2020
Michael James Coudrey
Armed Antifa and BLM activists have burned down and looted businesses, captured a police precinct, and have barricaded the entire area, labeling it “Capital Hill Autonomous Zone”.
Still think this is just an organic protest?#SeattleAutonomousZone
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Shortly after the take-over, the Free Capitol Hill released a list of demands in a Medium post, including the “abolition” of the Seattle Police Department.
1 . = “We do not request reform, we demand abolition,” the group said.
Through the list of social and economic demands, they refer to the Seattle Police Department as a “terrorist cell” and say all protesters in their custody should be released. Imprisonment, in general, should also end, they argue.
Instead of a state-run policing and imprisonment systems, the group advocates for autonomy to be given to local people.
No police, no jail, release felons, segregation (black doctors & teachers to minister to their own race), mandatory re-education for teachers & public workers (“anti-bias training).
They want to abolish civilization & return to a tribal state of nature.https://medium.com/@seattleblmanon3/the-demands-of-the-collective-black-voices-at-free-capitol-hill-to-the-government-of-seattle-ddaee51d3e47 …
In credit to the people who freed Capitol Hill, this list of demands is neither brief nor simplistic. This is no simple request to end…
10:26 AM - Jun 10, 2020
They also demand:
[2] “…the use of armed force be banned entirely. No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.”
[3] “…an end to the school-to-prison pipeline and the abolition of youth jails. Get kids out of prison, get cops out of schools.”
[4] “…the Federal government launch a full-scale investigation into past and current cases of police brutality in Seattle and Washington.” They also request all cases reported to the Office of Police Accountability be reopened.
[5] “…reparations for victims of police brutality, in a form to be determined.”
[6] “…the City of Seattle makes the names of officers involved in police brutality a matter of public record.”
[7] “…a retrial of all People in Color currently serving a prison sentence for violent crime, by a jury of their peers in their community.”
[8] “…decriminalization of the acts of protest, and amnesty for protestors generally.”
[9] “…the City of Seattle and the State Government release any prisoner currently serving time for a marijuana-related offense and expunge the related conviction.”
[10] “…the City of Seattle and State Government release any prisoner currently serving time just for resisting arrest if there are no other related charges.”
[11] “…prisoners currently serving time be given the full and unrestricted right to vote.”
[12] “…an end to prosecutorial immunity for police officers…”
[13] “…the abolition of imprisonment…”
[14] “…in replacement of the current criminal justice system the creation of restorative/transformative accountability programs.”
[15] “…autonomy be given to the people to create localized anti-crime systems.”
[16] “…the Seattle Police Department empty its “lost and found” and return property owned by denizens of the city.”
[17] “…justice for those who have been sexually harassed or abused by the Seattle Police Department or prison guards.”
[18] “…the body camera video of all Seattle police should be a matter of easily accessible public record.”
And, [19] “…the funding previously used for Seattle Police be redirected into: A) Socialized Health and Medicine for the City of Seattle. B) Free public housing, because housing is a right, not a privilege. C) Public education, to decrease the average class size in city schools and increase teacher salary. D) Naturalization services for immigrants to the United States living here undocumented. (We demand they be called “undocumented” because no person is illegal.) E) General community development. Parks, etc.” .
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